School’s out!

September 24, 2010

I better put some photos up here before I really get too lazy…..


Today, I submitted my first every university assignment. 2500 words, 2 nights without sleep and 3 pages of Harvard referencing and its finito~


Hanhui and I celebrated with huge-ass milkshakes at one of the school’s many outdoor cafes. :)


Started taking pictures around the campus because it has finally dawned on me that I am graduating this semester!!! Considering tomorrow is the start of the mid-semester break, I technically only have half a semester to working life. *groans*


Came home and saw the love letter Cheeleng has left me, it suddenly dawned on me that she will be in Perth for the next 2 weeks!!! My other housemate’s suitor flew in from Singapore and she was out too… :( fantastic start to my holidays hur?


Had dinner and movie with KS at South Bank.


And for the first time, I paid for my own make-up! Usually daddy picks it up from airport duty free or mummy pays the tab on one of our many shopping trips. Powder ran out this morning so a trip into city, I pointed to this (because of the bling bling mirror box).

The EFTPOST machine read AUD63. I didn’t know my make-up costs so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky I didn’t get a few more items because I totally forgot to transfer this month’s allowance into my spending account and it would be a mighty embarassing affair if my card got rejected. Zzzz.

Anyway, although I ain’t going to Perth, Sydney, Melbourne or Cairns like all my friends are, I am looking forward to the week long break here in boring St Lucia. :)

Someone shoot me.

I just blew $200 on 3 ASOS dresses to be shipped in from the UK. Heh! But they are mad chio!! Really really.

And I paid in Euro which is cheap now.

I also bought 10 scarves from another site because they were selling for USD1.50 each.

Best thing, they will reach Singapore about the same time I return home! New clothes make me excited!!!!

*imagine mommy fuming*

Studying totally screws my self-discipline. Oopsy! :(

Habourtown Shopping

May 23, 2010

After yesterday’s “indulge-me” session, today its time to get my priorities straight.


Yesterday started bright and early. Even before the time I usually get up for school… All because greedy me got tempted by the bus advertisments on Macca’s Mighty Breakfast Meal! Cheap cheap~ :)

Though I usually prefer cappucino, someone told me I can’t find flat white in Singapore. So it has always been flat white for me here. Hahahaha… When in Australia, drink as Australians drink ma! :P


Then we took the long long train ride into Gold Coast for Habourtown Shopping!!!!

Lucky I put videos of my latest drama obsession, 敗犬女王 into the iPod. Or I would have been so so so bored. :P


After a long day sifting out the best bargains, we returned to the city for dinner. I had a huge steaming hot claypot of bei tai mak because it was a freezing 11 degrees out! Bahhh!


My loot!!!! :D

The sales were awesome! Valleygirl was having a $4.95 sale, got Levi’s ladies for $40 (those with the gem-encrusted pockets, no less), Cotton On was clearing basics at $2 a piece. Hmm, what else were there? I also got stickers from Smiggles and a skipping rope which Cheeleng says will light up!!!!!!!!! *excitedly jumps up and down*

All the above including 3 new sets of pretty lacy undergarments cost me less then $200!!!


Biggest splurge of yesterday, $50 t-shirts. But I wanted these since my poly days… And I cannot possibly find “fcuk down under” back in Singapore ba? Haha.

Now that I have fixed my retail deprivation, I have drawn up a To-Do List. :)

  1. Pack room!
  2. Do laundry (it piles up so fast! Argh!)
  3. Organise lecture notes.
  4. Start listening to lectopia.
  5. Study.

Will be home in exacly 1 month from today… Weird how I am not really excited. :(