About 2 months ago, I went on a date with my husband. It was an online joke turned serious. :P


When conversations with bestfriends turned from a daily affair, to once a week and finally, once in awhile. This fella, was ever ready to brighten up some of my most mundane days faraway in Aussieland.


So after months of virtual planning, off we went on what was voted, Best Chicken Rice in Singapore according to ieatishootipost.com: Tian Tian Chicken Rice.

It was a weekday lunch hour and parking along Joo Chiat Road was horrible. :( but its okay because good food is worth the troubles right? Sheesh, I left feeling cheated. This place was so overrated! The rice was fragrant and nice but the chicken, Boon Tong Kee does it better.

After lunch, we headed to town for shopping!!!


Husband-to-be got really excited at buying me my wedding ring. :)))


And then we saw our daughter’s name on a shop window so a picture HAD to be taken. (Btw, our son is called Nene. LOL.)


Then I got tired so we stopped for dessert of chocolate shaved ice at ION’s basement.


Dinner was at 313’s Marche with some of his Chingay friends.


After which, he drove us all to Dempsey Hill for my favourite Ben and Jerry’s. Yum yum~

That rounds up our once in 6 years date. :)


And thank you for being the one I turned to when my BGR got a little complicated. For the listening ear and the wake up calls, the encouragement and the ranting buddy. Yes, my relationship IS less complex then yours (stop living in denial!!) but friend, I am glad to have you back in my life. Please don’t MIA again this time. :P

Very packed week… 3 tests, 2 assignments and favourite boy’s birthday… I was complacent in the law test and I made a stupid mistake. There are only 5 questions so 1 stupid mistake = 20%. :( and Corporate Finance is weak. Another finance paper on Saturday and its time to get started on my report, Harvard Referencing style… What the hell is that?! Okay fine, I do know what it is that but its so tedious. :(


Webcamming with the boy at 1.08am because silly doofus thought when I said “virtual rendezvous at midnight” I meant SG midnight. -_- that is 2am Australian time and way past my bedtime. Neh neh!


Typical childish 23 year old behaviour!!!!! Hahaha.. He like to tempt me with Honey Stars cereal because I love that and I cannot find it in supermarkets here. But I brought in 6 boxes from Singapore, Yay for me! So he took my second favourite, Fancy Gem biscuits… The old school type! But I have 8 PACKETS in my secret stash! Muahahaha!!! So we ended up comparing whose have more icing. -___- Joy Joy is such a pig. :P


Current wallpaper!!!! To remind me to be a good girl and loyal girlfriend. LOL.

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Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIPOPO! You and your impossibly thick skin leave me cramping in laughter night after night. Cheers to old age! :P

My boyfriend turns 23

August 18, 2010

One year has passed. And I am doing this again.

Last year (read it here), I baked a cuppycake, counted down with him, sang him a birthday song, blew the candle out for him and at the same time made a wish for him. Secretly.

I wished that 19 August the following year, he would be counting down, singing songs and blowing candles with his girlfriend. I promised (and cried bucketloads of tears at the same time) that I would wish him well and that I could eventually move on once I knew he was well taken care of.

I swore upon all the deities up there that I would not re-enter the cycle. I would never bake him another cake or drop another tear. Everything would end with him starting a new year.

This year, I am the girlfriend. The one I prayed he would find last year. What a strange twist in events. So to complete the wish made 365 days ago, the cuppycakes are baked, decorated and waiting for him to come home.


They are not very pretty.

I blame my indecisiveness for letting this drag so long it became a habit. I blame my moment of weakness for not asking why he took me back, perhaps I was worried his answer was not one I wanted to hear. And I can only hope with every fibre of my being, that I will not hurt, again.

Sigh, today has just been a lousy day.